Monday, July 23, 2007

Some pics of my party....

Although very few people came, I still had really awesome friends that came! Sorry for those that couldnt attend it.... One time there will be another party... This is a picture of a few pictures of my party. CLICK TO ENLARGE


Anonymous said...

oooops sorry i miss your party :(
*yawn* i just woke up lol
oh if you want to be author for my blog you get to write post for my blog and stuff just create a wordpress account and if you want create your own blog their too and when you have a wordpress account just give me your email and i will add you to my user community and you could start posting some news about cp :D

Anonymous said...

Awesome party Beetleblue. I was so glad I could attend and I can't wait for your next one.

beetleblue said...

thanx! ur awesome! and ur very nice and thank u for comming to my party u made my party and u made a differnce!